Peripheral Artery
Disease (P.A.D.)

Peripheral Artery Disease (P.A.D.) is a common, yet serious vascular condition, particularly prevalent among the elderly and individuals with diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. At Capital Foot Care, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive care and education for patients at risk of or suffering from P.A.D.

Understanding Peripheral Artery Disease

P.A.D. occurs when plaque buildup in the arteries leads to blockages, restricting blood flow and essential nutrients to the lower limbs. This can result in symptoms like leg pain, fatigue during walking, and skin changes such as discoloration or ulcers.

Symptoms and Risks of P.A.D.:

It’s crucial to be aware of the symptoms of P.A.D., as early detection is key to preventing serious complications. Symptoms may include:

  • Pain or cramping in the legs or hips, especially when walking.
  • Noticeable skin changes on the feet and legs, like discoloration.
  • Development of ulcers or sores on the lower limbs that don’t heal promptly.

The Importance of Medical Care and Regular Screening:

If you’re experiencing symptoms of P.A.D., seeking medical attention is essential. Untreated P.A.D. can lead to severe complications, including increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Regular screening, especially if you have risk factors like diabetes or high blood pressure, can help in early detection and management.

Managing and Reducing Risks of P.A.D.:

Lifestyle changes can significantly reduce the risk of developing P.A.D. This includes managing diabetes, controlling blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a balanced diet.

P.A.D. Assessment Quiz:

We offer a quick quiz to help you identify potential signs of P.A.D. This simple tool can guide you in deciding whether to seek further medical evaluation.

Scheduling Your Appointment:

If you’re concerned about P.A.D. or want to learn more about reducing your risk, schedule an appointment with our specialists today. We provide personalized care plans and advice for managing and preventing P.A.D.